For any growing business, telemarketing is extremely important because it is one of those effective strategies that can increase the sales of products and services without any huge investment of money. With time, securing desired results via telemarketing is no longer an easy task to accomplish. This is so because people often disconnect the call when they have no interest in products and services.
But sometimes telemarketers miss an opportunity to convert prospects into new customers because of some silly mistakes such as giving an impersonal introduction, over talking, etc. Such mistakes affect overall sales results.
Here, we are with 4 infallible tips that would certainly pave the way for telemarketing success:
1. Stay confident
In the telemarketing world, it is believed that sales growth purely depends on the confidence level of telemarketers. This is so because if telesales agents sound agitated during the interaction, they are less likely to convince prospects to buy products and services. Consequently, this leads to undesirable sales results.
On the flip side, if telemarketers explain the merits of products and services by using a confident tone, there are high chances that potential customers may get impressed and take a purchase decision. This would automatically ameliorate the sales conversion rate.
All in all, it is imperative for telemarketers to stay confident while interacting with potential customers as that’s the only way to secure better sales results.
2. Don’t indulge in an argument with gatekeepers
During the business hours, outbound telemarketing companies face the hassle of poor answer rate. At this point in time, increasing sales conversion rate seems like a daunting task.
But the factor that drives telemarketers up the wall is confronting gatekeepers after making a successful contact. It is so because the latter don’t let the former speak with decision makers.
In the worst scenarios, telemarketers get indulged into an argument with gatekeepers, which as a negative consequence, decreases the odds of having a word with decision makers. At last, there is a decline in the sales graph.
Therefore, it is crucial for telemarketers to understand that gatekeepers (assistant or receptionist) are just following the given instructions that say do not transfer any marketing-related call. Thus, telemarketers should communicate with gatekeepers politely.
For better results, telemarketers should use phrases like ‘May I leave a message,’ ‘Could you please tell when I should make a call again,’ etc. with gatekeepers as this may increase the probability to get a chance to speak with decision makers.
3. Be prepared for negative responses
As far as telemarketing is concerned, desired results cannot be achieved every time because there is a high possibility that potential customers may refuse to buy after having a good conversation with telemarketers.
But sometimes telemarketers take negative responses personally and start using a rude tone with potential customers during the interaction. This leads to quarrels, which, in turn, increases negative WOM.
Therefore, it is highly advisable for telemarketers to speak with potential customers politely, even after getting a negative response. The positive consequence of doing this is that potential customers may refer someone else from their friend zone who can show interest in products or services. Hence, this would help to achieve sales targets.
4. Practice brings perfection
Do you know why telemarketers usually face the hassle of call hang-ups? No? Well, the major reason behind this is that carelessness which telemarketers do while using scripts during the interaction with potential customers.
Whenever telemarketers use scripts carelessly, they start sounding like a robot during the call, and this gives prospects negative vibes. As a negative consequence, potential customers put the phone down.
Of course, we aren’t saying that telemarketers shouldn’t use scripts while conversing with potential customers. All we want to say is telemarketers should use scripts with proper caution. To leave no stone unturned, scripts should be rehearsed in the free time as practice brings perfection.
Apart from that, it is paramount for outbound telemarketing companies to make telemarketers understand the disadvantages of scripts during the training sessions as this would reduce the chances of blunders.