You must have seen on your web, google, and browse, many companies provide antivirus software for PC, laptops and etc. But few of the companies only provide antivirus software for Macbook, Macbook pro. Many people do nothing for their Macbook security and protection. A Mac antivirus and a Puck antivirus are quite different. Because a normal “virus” is not as problematic for Mac as it is for Windows. Many people tested lots of antivirus software for their MacBook but they not fully satisfied. Here I will tell you the Top 5 antivirus software for MacBook Pro.
Our Top 5 Antivirus Software List Are:
- Intego
- Norton
- Mackeeper
- Total AV
- AiroAV
If you want to protect your data Intego is the best solution for you. Intego provides 360 online protection for your MacBook. Intego is the best option for saving your data. It is a worldwide famous antivirus software company and has many customers. This is great for value money that can everyone afford this software. If you still searching for the best antivirus for mac then Intego is the best antivirus for MacBook. Intego in the antivirus software industry keeps its place within the top 3 in the company. Intego also alerts you very quickly about viruses.
Norton is the best for extension browsers Norton protect you with many features like protect your device security and quickly scan and give you live updates. It offers a good range of features and gives more longer Mac cleaning compare to Intego. Norton did a decent job and remove each junk file and virus. Give you Secure your VPN, parental control and, Cloud backup zero kb of GB used to give you overall protection. Norton provides a variety of tools for Macs, including:
- Antivirus scanners (100 % detection)
- All browsers security for chrome, safari, and firefox, etc.
- Manage your password
- Provide Mac cleaning tools.
- Easy to use
Mackeeper gives its customer more powerful internet security features. It has superb optimization tools with the best security features that give your Mac protection. Unlimited VPN with decent speeds, this feature is included in all Mackeeper plans. If you use Mackeeper antivirus software then you don’t need to pay for some extra features like ID thief Guard and VPN. Mackeeper layout is really good but Mackeeper not cheap like other antivirus software but it’s pretty good. Mackeeper also gives great customer support and with live chat functions and it also good for pricing and terms.
Total AV
TotalAV antivirus software provides great internet security and the best Mac’s optimized tool. TotalAV is famous to easy to use and TotalAV dashboard navigation is too easy and pretty. It does not clutter any Mac dashboard. 100% malware antivirus protection and 100% antivirus scanner. TotalAV is provided amazing Mac optimization tools, including junk files removal, browsers manger, and program manager. TotalAV not provide extra features such as Intego and not offers Net barriers for users. But TotalAV’s password manager and ad blocker are good. TotalAV pricing is okay and many people like its Mac optimization tools that very easy to use.
Airo AV
Airo AV is known for its lightweight name antivirus software. The only antivirus exclusively for MacBook, which gives you complete security especially MacBook users. Airo AV designed is very exclusive and it really a lightweight comparison to Intego. Many people really like its minimal design Airo AV software is very easy to use. AiroAV gives 100% dedication and the security of its browser extension is superb. Airo AV uses machine-learning algorithms to target threats so that your MacBook is not attacked. But Airo AV offers still powerful and 100% malware protection.
Note: Never use public Wi-Fi, because my friend used public Wi-Fi and the hacker had hacked all data his MacBook. And all my friend’s data was lost. So always use brilliant Top 5 antivirus For MacBook Pro like these top 5 Softwares which always protect your data.